Tuesday, March 7, 2017



There is no memory verse this week.

We answered the kids question, "What will it be like in Heaven?"
Our study went through Revelation 21 and 22, as well as verses in Isaiah 65 and 66.

Language Arts: Writing

Grammar - We reviewed our understanding of complete and simple predicates today.

Writing - Kids are working on their self and peer editing for their Free Write papers.  There are a few who are finishing their rough drafts and some who are onto writing their final copies at this point.  The final draft is due this Friday.

If your student would like to work on their paper at home, please have them type in on our class Google Apps account so I can verify that they are doing it.  All you have to do is type Gmail in the url, and log on with the following information:

username - 5and6students@amazinggraceacademy.org
password - Students


We had our Chapter 11 test today

Social Studies:

Along with our Lewis and Clark Simulation, we are beginning to learn the countries of the world, which will include the states of the United States.   At this point, we are learning the countries of Asia

Language Arts: Reading
 We are reading chapters out of the book High on Adventure III by Stephen Arrington.  Steve is a friend who has had a tremendously adventurous life and is a committed Christian who is dedicated to sharing the love of God with children around the world.


Test 15

Language Arts: Spelling / Handwriting

Spelling - Lesson 21 Worksheet

Handwriting - Lesson 22 Day 2 & 3

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