Tuesday, February 16, 2016



Memory Verse - Amos 3:7
We are beginning to go over the prophetic books of Daniel, chapters 2,7,8.  We will be drawing the beasts and identifying them Biblically.


Intermediate 5 - 3 times tables; Lesson 72.  For the students who just came back from vacation, they are working on learning how to plot points on a coordinate plane.  They will be doing this for 3 days
Course 1 - Multiplying decimal numbers / Dividing fractions - Lesson 71


We are beginning a combined chapter (11&12) on physical science and the elements of matter.  Today I handed out objectives and we learned about the different states of matter.

Social Studies:

Pastor read to us out of A Thousand Shall Fall, and we discussed a little about the German invasion of the Soviet Union  during WWII

Language Arts:

Handwriting- Lesson 19 Day 1 & 2

Spelling- We do have spelling this week.  Today was a pre test for Lesson 19.  I have talked to the students about allocating their time more effectively this week because it is a short week.  Hopefully we are at a point where the students have practiced their study skills enough to understand the importance of preparing for Friday today.  

Reading- Pastor read to us out of the book mentioned above, and I am reading to the class out of Streams to the River, River to the Sea, a story about Sacagawea and the Lewis and Clark expedition.

Grammar / Writing- The students are learning how to create and use compound and complex sentences and we are attempting to incorporate both into our writing to improve our writing.


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